Tuesday, December 23, 2008

TPWD Migratory Bird Hunting Update Dec. 24th, 2008

Cold weather arrives, just in time to push ducks and geese south for Christmas.

Mallards are finding the lakes, and creeks and ponds see increasing numbers of greenheads and woodies.

Excerpt of the TPWD Report follows:

North Zone Duck: Frigid temperatures throughout the Central Flyway have sent many more mallards across the Red River. Some good hunts were posted in the snow last week on area lakes and reservoirs. Sloughs and backwaters are loading up with greenheads and wood ducks. Green-winged teal have been seen on shallow flats on lakes and reservoirs. Mallards, gadwalls and teal have been solid on Lake Wright-Patman, Lake Palestine, Lake Fork, Lake Tawakoni and Cooper Lake. Wood ducks have been steady in wooded sloughs. Inland ponds near the coast were fair over the weekend. Mostly teal, gadwalls, pintails and shovelers were taken. Some good goose hunts were posted just north of IH-10 near Winnie last week when four days of fog socked in along the coast. Prospects are fair to good.

The full report can be found at http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/newsmedia/releases/?req=20081224a.


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