Wednesday, December 10, 2008

TPWD Migratory Bird Hunting Update Dec. 10, 2008

Colder weather is pushing ducks south, and they are starting to appear in good numbers on local lakes and ponds.

The report says numbers are still down, and notes some more rain would help. We received a good dousing yesterday, and that should bring levels up in sloughs, creeks and ponds.

Excerpt of the TPWD Report follows:

North Zone Duck: The second split of duck season begins Dec. 13 and prospects look solid on lakes and reservoirs in Northeast Texas. Hunters there have noticed a significant influx of mallards to go with good numbers of gadwalls, wood ducks and green-winged teal. The region could use another dose of rain since no significant precipitation has fallen since September. Acorns and other forage are good this year with the summer rains, but some sloughs are dry and waiting for water to float duck food. Toledo Bend hunters said they are not seeing the number of birds they usually see, with a noticeable absence of mallards and canvasbacks. Caddo Lake, Lake Palestine, Lake O’the Pines and Lake Wright-Patman look good for the second split. Inland ponds near the coast could use another shot of rain to recharge ponds. Hunting was steady for the first two weeks of the season then slowed to a crawl around Thanksgiving. Best hunts have occurred on crawfish ponds and second-cropped rice fields. Prospects are fair to good.


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